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We have set up a pay page, as we have had requests for it.

We are going through Pay Pal.

Pay Pal is a very secure way of paying your Deposit or if

you want to pay the whole price of the pup with a credit card.

Before sending any deposits, please get in contact with us, about which breeding you are interested in.


When going through Pay Pal, please make sure to add in the

comment area, what breeding you are wanting

a pup from and if you prefer a

male or female.


Deposits are $50.00

The balance due when the

pup is picked up.


If you are wanting to pay in full or want to pay the balance due for the pup,

via Pay Pal. E-mail me and I will send a link to be able to do that.


All of our pups sell for $600.00 Total price

That is for a Limited AKC Registration

( if you are not planning to breed your pup, then you would want a Limited AKC Registration)


$800.00 Total price

Is for a Full AKC Registration

(you will want a full AKC Registration if you plan on breeding your pup at a later date.)


Pay Pal Deposit $50.00

This is the button for the $50.00 deposit only.

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