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Anna, 6 months old. She is Iris and Gringo's pup.
Hobson is Holly and Kody's pup from their
litter born 4/12/11. He has been home for
about a week now and has already found his
favorite place to sleep place .
Chaz after a good swim.
Sugar and Kody's pup Chipper, visiting Grand
Tetons with his new family.
Chipper getting into the cracker. He's thinking
" I'll finish the box!!"
Pep, waiting to go on his fishing trip.
This is Sierra and Moka. Sierra is one of Gringo's
pups and Moka is one of Sugar's pups. There is
about a years differents in their age.
This is Coco, she is Sugar and Kody's pup.
He new owner says she loves her walks and to be
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