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This is Sass one of Lilly and Gringo's pups. Liz, says that her grandson show her for 4H

and he does very good.

Jake's 3 years old! Waiting for the OK

to eat his treats. He is Lilly and Gringo's


Jake enjoying his present!

Jake 3 years old.

This is Pep, he too is one of Lilly and Gringo's


Pup trying on his new hunting vest. He loves his

hunting time! I have a video they sent of his water

training. I am having a hard time getting it to upload.

I soon as I can get it. I will be posting it.

BeeBee after skating on the edge of

the pond! BeeBee loves the water!

He is one of Iris and Boomers pups.

He looks like his dad Gringo!

Sam a great looking boy!! Iris and Gringo's pup.

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